Tribute and Memorial Gifts


Memorial gifts honor the memory of someone who has passed on. In lieu of sending flowers, you may wish to show sympathy by making a charitable gift. You and the honoree’s next-of-kin will receive an acknowledgment card.

For multiple tribute gifts, you have the option of setting up an honor gift registry or memorial registry. The person, couple or family being honored with a gift registry will receive a commemorative book, which lists all who contributed to the registry or memorial.

Make a gift by phone

To make a tribute gift by phone or learn more, please call:
(612) 204-8374

Make a gift by mail

Catholic Charities Development Dept
1007 East 14th Street
Minneapolis, MN 55404

Make a gift online

Indicate that your gift is “in honor or memory of someone special.”  Give now


If you have questions, please contact Catholic Charities
(612) 204-8374

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